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Climate change and increased urban population are two major concerns for society. Moving towards more sustainable energy solutions in the urban context by integrating renewable energy technologies supports decarbonizing the energy sector and climate change mitigation. A successful transition also needs adequate consideration of climate change including extreme events to ensure the reliable performance of energy systems in the long run. This review provides an overview of and insight into the progress achieved in the energy sector to adapt to climate change, focusing on the climate resilience of urban energy systems. The state-of-the-art methodology to assess impacts of climate change including extreme events and uncertainties on the design and performance of energy systems is described and discussed. Climate resilience is an emerging concept that is increasingly used to represent the durability and stable performance of energy systems against extreme climate events. However, it has not yet been adequately explored and widely used, as its definition has not been clearly articulated and assessment is mostly based on qualitative aspects. This study reveals that a major limitation in the state-of-the-art is the inadequacy of climate change adaptation approaches in designing and preparing urban energy systems to satisfactorily address plausible extreme climate events. Furthermore, the complexity of the climate and energy models and the mismatch between their temporal and spatial resolutions are the major limitations in linking these models. Therefore, few studies have focused on the design and operation of urban energy infrastructure in terms of climate resilience. Considering the occurrence of extreme climate events and increasing demand for implementing climate adaptation strategies, the study highlights the importance of improving energy system models to consider future climate variations including extreme events to identify climate resilient energy transition pathways.  相似文献   
近年来,体育节目在世界范围内得到了广泛的欢迎,大型体育赛对电视体育市场有显著的拉动作用。足球是世界上最受观众喜爱的体育运动,在欧洲、南美和亚洲地区足球赛事的收视率占绝对优势地位,F1赛车是欧洲观众除足球外最喜欢的赛事;美国、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的观众往往更热裒于本土的体育赛事,而对足球赛事兴趣不大。冬季运动在北欧、东欧、北美等气候寒冷的地区受到了欢迎,俄罗斯、美国是其中的代表。亚洲电视体育市场缺少本土品牌赛事的强力支撑。重大体育赛事电视转播权费用呈大幅攀升的趋势;电视转播权销售方式呈连锁化、捆绑销售的趋势;电视转播权产品类型呈细分、分类出售的趋势;重大赛事收视全球化的趋势明显。  相似文献   
承办高水平体育赛事对中小城市的影响力越来越广泛而深刻。通过对四川省中小城市承办高水平体育赛事产生的社会效益进行调查研究,结果表明中小城市承办高水平体育赛事对城市精神文明建设、社会经济发展具有积极的影响作用。同时为进一步提高承办体育竞赛的质量和承办的综合效益提出相应的发展对策,为提升四川省中小城市的综合实力,为西部大开发战略做出贡献。  相似文献   

An international football-soccer tournament was initiated for socially excluded homeless individuals in July 2003 and has been held ever since, growing annually in terms of size, competing delegations, media attention and corporate involvement. The aim of the paper is to analyze the initial, historical, journey of this World Cup from its conceptual formation until the end of its first decade (2003–2012). The paper looks particularly at the efforts involved in bringing the concept to life and the challenges the organizers faced before achieving the annual frequency of an event dedicated for wider social purposes. However, also discussed is the use of competitive football formats and the organization of the competition for male and female players. As the tournament has become more successful, it is argued that its overall aim of proposing tools beyond sport for homeless people has been displaced in certain ways. The management orientations, the focus on the trophies, images of excitement, and the corporate agendas have brought sensitive contradictions to its principles of inclusion.  相似文献   
通过对参加2013年国际雪联越野滑雪中国巡回赛的现场调研,运用数理统计等方法认为我国越野滑雪项目在比赛成绩、运动技术、运动员心理素质、教练员及裁判队伍的培养等方面还存在差距;提出与国际接轨,发展我国越野滑雪运动,完善我国越野滑雪教练员的培养体系,完善我国越野滑雪运动裁判员队伍建设,完善管理和监测体系,建立训练、教育、科研一体化训练基地,加强我国冬季两项运动心理稳定性的训练等合理的解决方案,为我国越野滑雪运动的快速、良好发展提供一个理论交流的平台。  相似文献   
本文从体育赛事的功能理论演变来探讨体育赛事与城市发展的理论逻辑关系,即从竞技、休闲的社会功能转变为推动经济社会发展的综合功能。在不同的时间、空间和行动主体条件下,体育赛事推动城市发展的功能和效果有差异。本文以2010年举办的广州亚运会为例,通过问卷调查和实证资料分析,来讨论亚运会推动广州从硬实力到软环境发生的变化,推动城市发展理念、经济发展方式、城市管理模式的转型升级和公民意识的勃兴,形成广州亚运会“办赛事,办城市”的“广州经验”。  相似文献   
大型体育赛事风险评估研究*--以南京青奥会为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据风险管理理论及体育赛事组织运行规律,以2014年南京青奥会为研究样本,运用列表排列法进行权重分析与预测,提出了南京青奥会的风险应对措施。通过对大型体育赛事的风险要素体系进行研究,以期为我国大型体育赛事风险管理提供参考。  相似文献   
文章采用专家访谈法、文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法,对贵州省体育专业高考术科考试进行了研究。研究表明:贵州省体育专业高考术科考试固定四项身体素质测试不能全面检测考生情况。建议:身体素质测试增加灵敏性素质,由4类4小项增为5类5小项,增加专项运动技能考试,身体素质和专项技能比例应为75:25,测试总分宜统一定为100分,体育考试和文化课考试成绩都达到分数线的考生,按体育专业成绩由高到低录取。  相似文献   
在分析大型体育赛事中第三方物流合作风险的基础上,通过问卷调查与专家访谈法、层次分析法等方法建立了风险综合评价指标体系。在集对分析过程中,引入信息熵的概念,在原有采用专家经验法确定权重的基础上,综合运用熵权法使权重确定更具有客观性和科学性,减少了评判过程中的信息流失,保证了原始信息的完整性;差异度系数i的取值,说明系统的同一、对立和不确定项之间的转化程度,反映出合作风险的状态。这对于推进学术界对于赛事物流风险评价体系的深入研究以及为政府实施风险控制的政策法规提供依据,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
体育赛事作为体育产业的核心业态之一,已成为经济增长的一个亮点。文章通过对江苏省体育赛事的现状分析,在新时期将面对极好的发展机遇,且有能力把握这一机遇,而把握这一机遇对于建设体育强省和构建和谐社会等均具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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